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so easy to go off track!

Winter was wonderful with our traveling to Isla Mujeres for 10 days and then a week in Arizona with my sister and her husband...but did it ever through me off track on eating preservative free, and did my body react!! Once home I had a nasty virus that I couldn't shake so fast easy meals... tried to stick with healthy TV dinners but still hard to find totally clean! I found this website 100 days of eating real food... it had recipes to make Larabars!!  I made a batch of date/peanut butter bars... I even had the Mujool dates they called for!!  This weekend I will make her granola and then give the granola Larabar recipe!!    I love this site/blog  lots of great ideas to prepping so meal time is even quicker! Here is the Tortilla recipe... any left overs are wonderful to bake and make chips out of!! Whole Wheat Tortilla's 2 Cups whole wheat flour 3 Tbls Olive Oil (I used 1/2 grape seed oil) 1/2 Tsp Salt 2/3 C warm water mix the flour, olive oil and salt tog

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