August 10th
I actually slept until 6:30
this morning…I read the Divine Office and said my Rosary while my tea
water got hot.
Time went quickly…when Steve
got up we sat outside and soon Gary and Delores joined us. We visited and then got the Van unloaded so
we could put up the back seat so we could all ride together to Corny and Corny Day celebration!
It was already full of cars
when we got there. I found a place to park by the Artisan well and the back end of
the flea market.
We split up, of course the
guys headed to the front and the beer! (Steve, not so much Gary).
Delores and I started our browsing the market... I found a smaller cast iron kettle for
Beth…they were asking 23..i offered 20 and \they took it right away, maybe I should have gone lower but I'm happy with the price. It was brand new.
Lots of things to sample…the
trail mix guy was there again with his great Cranberry / cherry mix. We got a sample of that and as he handed me
mine a cherry fell out..he said “oh, you lost your cherry”…I said “ oh, I lost
that a long time ago”… the young hippy got a good laugh out of that!
We made our way to the front
and then started back the other side of the market.
Gary asked us to look for an aluminum ice cube tray, so we had a mission! We did come close...a tray but not the inside.
We found the guys..they were
enjoying themselves.. so Delores and I went and got a braut and sat down.
Manzaneta had a popcorn
machine outside her shop.. she asked if I had any special yarn with me.. I didn't, but promised I would bring some along the next trip. She has this old floor loom, she weaves the most beautiful pieces. I just lose myself looking at all the different colors and fibers.
She had on her bikini with a
tank top over it and a pair of shorts.
We watched the gal that was ahead of her and she looked pretty
Beth got up there and Gary
threw a couple balls at her… missed.. then I gave it a try… they let me stand
at the kids line…loved the advantage! I
dunked her twice! Steve’s turn and he
got her once..
Delores took a shot but di
dn’t get her. Gary thought he would sneak behind the dunk
tank and reach threw and dunk her from behind…but she saw him.. he stayed back
there and he got her when she wasn’t looking …pretty funny.. she was a good
There was a young family that
had about 6 young kids with them, the Dad was so patient and I think he spent over $20 so each child could take a couple tries at dunking Beth.. The youngest who looked around 2, of course couldn’t throw that far so at
the end the guy running it gave the Dad a ball and he held the boy
right up to the target.. the little one thought he was supposed to throw it at
Beth.. finally with his Dad’s help he hit the target and in she went…they all
got wet!
The parade was going to be starting and Steve
started heading to town where he said we always watched it…I always watched it
where we were…but Beth said last year they watched it down there with Pat,
Vonnie and Caela,…Len, Vicki and I watched it by the pavilion. So we were both right..
This weekend we were having some disagreements on quite a few things.
So we walked down there and
it was nice to sit in the shade by the coffee shop. The parade true to form lasted 10
minutes…lots of candy thrown to the kids..even to us. There were a couple of kids by us that had a
large bag and were picking up lots of candy..Delores and I thought that was a bit
much… but then felt better when the boys asked their parents permission before eating any candy.. they weren’t out of control!
We went into the coffee shop and I got a raspberry soda and Delores got a cold coffee drink…we sat and visited there awhile.
I needed to go over to Ehlers to
pick up some things for my potato salad.. Steve
suggested that I walk back and get the Van and they would wait on the benches
outside the store. He didn’t want to see
me carrying my purchases all the way back there. So thoughtful...naw...I wouldn’t have been so nice
but I did it for Gary… we girls walked
back there and got the Van and drove back… Beth left for home and we would be stopping there
on our way home.
Rocky hadn’t come because that morning he
had a fight with the skill saw and his thumb lost, and the saw won. I found
out later he was working on my bean toss boards. I felt bad.
He was doing okay… we got a
tour ..I am always so impressed at our little girl and what she and Rocky have
accomplished on their land. She showed
us the house plans…it is really going to be nice.
We were over by one garden
looking at a huge slab of tree Rocky was going to make a table top out
was leaning against the post and on top was an outboard motor casing and a Bald faced hornet nest in it…they were busy bees… Rocky gently pulled the slab out to show the
other side and when he put it back it got the bees mad and they one got him right
below his eye.. I quickly grab some Plantain and chewed it and slapped it on
it.. what a day he was having..he had a bee sting a few yrs back in almost the same spot and his eye
swelled up… not good.
He had it on for awhile and
then Beth found a huge leaf and he took and chewed it himself really good and put it on.. maybe his
own saliva would work better too.
When we
pulled in to the driveway Delores noticed there was a stack of wood by the fire pit.. we were
curious to who had done that??
It was such a beautiful day
we sat outside and I gave Delores Connie’s cards on herbal healing plants.. she
really was interested.
All of a sudden a red truck
with flame decals shows up! Dan had arrived!!
I greeted him with a big hug
and he said he had been to the local bar for the last few hrs.. He had arrived
about noon he had brought his new chain saw and started cutting wood for us…he asked if
we saw his note and we hadn’t even walked back there to find it.
I loved his note... of course I miss placed it...something to the affect.. it was a riddle "I am from a town where men are men and woman are few. Sheep are scared..." he is from Ladysmith..
He had forgotten about Corny day and didn’t
realize it until someone at the bar mentioned it.. He had a burger and some
fries and then shook dice and kept winning drinks…after awhile he decided he
wasn’t in any shape to drive to Corny.
I got the bean toss boards
out from the back of the van. Put the seat back down and put everything back
inside of it.
Beth arrived on her
scooter…Delores and I walked over to the shed to get my aluminum table… she
found a huge branch that was ready to burn and hauled that back.
A game had started and so we
enjoyed watching them. Soon Rocky
came…his eye hadn’t swelled up.. he was impressed with the Plantain and not
totally convinced it was what save it from swelling. He definitely would keep it
in mind the next time something came up.
He took over for Beth and we gals sat and
It wasn’t long
he had enough so I took over and then Steve needed a break and Beth took over
for him.. we played awhile …we weren’t keeping score so finally we all had
enough..the bags needed reinforcing anyway.
I loved the boards they were
light weight and very easy for me to handle.
Beth and Rocky got going on the fire and we all moved back there. Delores put her branch was a bit long...but we would watch it burn shorter and shorter.
I was bringing things out
to the table and saw that Rocky had taken Dan’s chainsaw and was starting to
cut down the dead Birch tree that was on Steve’s to do list. Steve sat and watched ..Gary and I were over
closer waiting for it to fall…Steve thought we were too close. But the tree had
so many spruce around it that it was stuck …somehow Rocky got it down… pretty
cool.. he started cutting it up and Dan was picking up the brush..Beth said he
was a really good brush monkey…I never heard that term!
I got the hot dogs on the sticks.. and Gary started
roasting them…then Steve took over. I
put the cheese brauts Gary and Delores brought in my new basket roasters …the
handle wasn’t that long and it was heavy.. Rocky made a brace with some wood
slabs for it..
Everything tasted so good,
Delores had heated up some beans and had fresh tomatoes and her cucumber
It had gotten pretty dark and Beth was concerned
about driving the scooter home in the dark.. I told her she could take our van
home.. she was happy to do
Rocky saw a meteor shower …so
I was excited to look for them.
They left for home and left
us oldsters to our fire.
It wasn’t long and Gary was
ready to hit the hay and soon after Steve left too.
I asked if anyone wanted to
join me roasting marshmallows and Delores did…so I went in and got them and the
Grahams and Hershey bars! Unfortunately
the marshmallows had melted in the cupboard but I did find a couple that we
were able to roast.
A sticky mess but tasted
We all went in around 11:30.
Dan said all he needed was a pillow and blanket..but they were under
the bed where Steve was sleeping..he didn’t want me to wake him but I did…he’d
fall right back asleep.
I got him situated and we all
went to bed.. I loved looking out the windows at the beautiful starry night!
I even saw a meteor shower!