November 29th
Here we go off to snow country… the sun is out and it is in the high
20’s and supposed to be pretty decent temps there.
We stopped first at Casey’s in Hutch to check the air in the tires but it
wasn’t working so will have to check later.
Hwy 23 between St Cloud and Foley is finally finished.. a nice 4
We stopped
in Foley …Steve put air in the tire that was low…and went in first to get
something to drink…I let Murphy out..they have a grassy
area behind
the store with a creek ..he wasn’t listening very well so I did some obedience
training-..“recalls” with him and that tuned him up.
I started
knitting the ruffle scarf… pretty simple but hard to catch the yarn in the
webby part… it was awkward and I felt like a beginner knitter… hope it gets better…I
like to knit fast…get it done and on to the next project!
We stopped
at Mora for a bit… Beth had gotten a mesh lumbar seat brace there and I really need one for the car…those seats are
so uncomfortable…it was $2 so can’t go wrong on the price..I got a few other
little things…Christmas wrap…a lighted Christmas lights necklace!
Lunch at Cassidy’s
in Hinckley .. Diane was our waitress…Steve went right away to the salad bar…he
was disappointed the last time but I guess he wanted to give it another try… I ordered a
grilled chicken sandwich and swapped the French fries for zucchini…still got
those extra pounds on from Thanksgiving…my order took forever..
But when it
finally came it was well worth the wait… the chicken was so tender and the
Zucchini was julienne cut instead of sauteed it was fried in bacon grease… very
tasty…a bit not too healthy.
While Steve
paid the bill I let Murphy out … he did his “big job” and then away we went …we
decided to go through Danbury and then take Wisconsin 35, Beth had taken the
other way last week and it was pretty snow packed and slow going… Steve was driving not too attentively so I
asked if he wanted me to drive… he did..he said he was falling asleep…now why he had to
wait for me to notice??
He stopped
in Danbury and I drove… the further we went the more snow we saw… he slept
peacefully and I listened to my audio book.. it is a good one… by Sara
We switched
places again in Superior on 13… got to Port wing and I told him to stop at the
Store so I could use the bathroom.. it may take a while to get in to the
trailer from the road…..I interrupted a young gentleman using the bathroom… I
apologized when he came out and said
that I needed to remember to knock and he just laughed…men don’t get
embarrassed about that…maybe because of my age being the same as his
"Grammy”..I didn’t get embarrassed either…must be my age!
We got to
our land and it really wasn’t bad…so Steve got out checked it and decided to
drive in… we made it!
I got the
bucket ready … no holding tanks used in the winter. I put the heated mattress pad
on the bed and got it warming…this is going to be Sweet!

We had the hammock stored inside on the couch… there was really no place to put it ..Steve said to put it on top of the couch back..I tried ..but it kept falling…so he did it… he really made an art work!
When there isn’t much storage you
need to be creative… I may have to tap into his creativity more often!
I was knitting and listening to my audio book…my tea was cooled off so I put it in the microwave to warm it up and the electricity went off.
I told Steve I would go out and flip the breaker at the pedestal…trudged out there and looked at the trailer …still dark.. flipped it back and went inside.… so Steve checked the ones inside and that is were the breaker tripped …I ask myself “why didn’t he check that first before I went out?” He must have forgotten they were there..but a reminder to shut off one of the heaters before using the Mic.
I warmed up
some of the soup I had brought from home ..Steve was still full from lunch …so
the salad bar was back to its high standard.
I did dishes
in the red plastic pan… I will throw out the water tomorrow morning..
I brushed my
teeth and just didn’t feel like going outside to spit…so spit in the red
bucket…kind of grossed me out...... it brought back memories of my friend Jean’s Uncle who had a “slop
Bucket” in his farm house… as a kid I thought it was so gross…but back in the
60’s I don’t think it was that unusual… so tomorrow I will empty my “slop
bucket”..maybe not let it get as full as Uncle George’s.
We made it
until 8:30…we were both tired so we went to bed… oh, that heated bed was so
nice to crawl into.