July 7th

Our plan was to bring the pickup along with the trailer from pat and Vonnie...loaded with the riding lawnmower and Accessories... but at the last minute Steve was concerned about the tires on the trailer so we left it for another weekend..the truck was also going to move the trailer back on the land so we can plug it in to the Pedestal. I had called our neighbors to see if Carl would be willing to use his tractor to move it for us... found out he was out trucking and would be home but not sure when and for how long...so another wait and see situation...
a little red car followed us up our driveway and it was Patty, Carl's partner, she had talked to Carl and it sounded like he would be home Friday ... so that was hopeful.
she told us to come on over and get water from their place...so after we unpacked our car, we went over there ... what a nice place... beautiful gardens ...a wonderful garden shed/green house... she had planted her tomatoes in a black rubber culvert ring...she had some extra tomatoes and rings and offered me one..she had raspberries, grapes, and strawberries, plus the veggies...she asked if we wanted to pick the strawberries that day which would save her the task... we were more than willing.
It was 90 degrees in the trailer so we opened the windows and then went and sat outside...I decided to venture out and look for my pumpkin hills... put on my jeans with Steve's socks and my hiking boots, I pulled the socks over the bottom of my jeans... Murphy came along and brought his pigs ear chewy... the grass was hip high in spots and wet... Murphy dropped his pigs ear and I told him to go find it... it took him awhile and he came with it. I really didn't think he would find it in all that tall grass.
It took me awhile to find the hills, Jim Warnke, the Testicle Festival weekend, had put sticks in for markers which was a good thing or I may never had found them... I pulled the grass around them so when Carl mows he will be able to see them... they had grown... but I think they will do better being able to get more sun.
when i got back my jeans were soaked...I pulled them off and hung them in a tree, with the socks...
Beth showed up after work, she had on a cute t-shirt ...it said "I have the skills to pay the Bills"...
we still only have 2 lawn chairs, so Beth made a Matt in the tall grass to sit on.
I brought out the clothes from Caela and she went through them... after she left it was just too hot to cook so we went to "the Store" and got some cold cuts and chips... I opened a can of beans ..we sat outside and ate...enjoying the quiet.... we stayed out until the Mosquitoes came ..it cooled off once the sun went down..