Saturday May 28th

50 degrees when I got up at was raining..Steve got up and had his coffee..we decided to check out the estate Sale in town.... it was inside which was great! Steve did a pass through and told me to take my time he would wait for me in the car...I found some interesting area rug I thought Beth might be interested in ...My cell phone is "spotty" to say the least in PW..but one of the ladies let me borrow hers... had to use the speaker on it and hold it towards the window...
Beth was coming over and while we waited for her they fixed me some tea... the lady who was having the sale had spent over $3500 to get moved there from Philadelphia and had only been there a year and the man who owned the house she rented put it up for she decided to sell everything and move on...she didn't know where she had traveled all over the country her whole adult life...really felt life as an adventure...she was around my age...a Nurse which is a great occupation to do just that...
Steve came in and asked if he should come back and pick me up later...I had forgotten about him...
I told him Beth was coming and he could leave...
Beth got there and thought the rug would just get too dirty in the garage they are living in now and she didn't want to store it until the house was built... she did find a few other treasures...
I couldn't resist buying this adorable Cat Vase... perfect for my pussy willows.....
Beth took me home and went to help Rocky at the Fishery before she went to work at Ehlers at 1.
Steve had been to a garage sale at the curve of White Birch and wanted to go back...everything was 50cents or 3 for $1... unless marked...he handed me a case that looked like a cd case...but when I opened it , it was a knitting needle set... in perfect condition... 50 cents!! the lady then told me about a rose mall woodencase too... what a find! the 2 ladies were from Mpls the place was their Grandparents farm.. they were Teachers retiring next yr...they are building a house next to the old farm house which looked huge...but they said it wasn't and come back sometime they would give us a tour... very nice ladies and excited to get to know them better..
on the way home we stopped at our neighbor Mike's... didn't know what to expect....knowing he was an X boxer from the Army and a bachelor ...drank allot and liked to fight when he got full...
we knocked on the door and a loud gruff voice said "WHO IS IT!"... steve told him his new neighbors the Joecks...his voice softened and out he shirt and pajama pants on... he came out and tied his dog up ...very friendly dog... had to watch the chain he was tied too... we visited awhile outside...talking about where his land was and the neighboring 5 acs.. which the man who owned lived in Britain...I said Wisconsin? he said no the Great Britain across the ocean, he only comes twice a year, shoots his gun and leaves.....
he invited us inside for a beer... he had a 6 ft pyramid of Pillsner 12 packs...FULL... his house was beautiful.. all pine floor plan downstairs with a ladder going up to the sleeping was a hunting shack owned by the same family we bought our land from... the O'neils... that solved the mystery of why we had the same fire #... he showed us the plat map and the boundaries...and I was right that the wooden cable is on our property and isn't his...
he brought up hunting a few times and how we could just put out corn behind our trailer and get a deer that way...
he call another neighbor to come over and meet us...he had once owned the land too...he told us that there are allot of springs on our land and that he had wanted to dam one up to make a pond but he DNR wouldn't let he sold it...also we would only have to go down 80 ft or so to hit water... which is a good thing...we are hoping there is an artesian spring on the property..we will see...
things got a bit strange with Mike...he brought up an argument with Rocky and how it was about walking the Ravines... and how Rocky was arguing with him about doing it... I told him that Rocky was very respectful and if he told him no he couldn't go back there he wouldn't...but the guy wouldn't let it rest... i think he had beer for breakfast... very annoying...
Beth had told me the argument was about picking up the garbage that was thrown in our Ravine...Mike did say that Rocky and he were friends and knew that they would get over this disagreement...
Mike brought up hunting again and how the neighbors respect each other and always ask before hunting on each others land... I think they are very worried about us being big hunters from Minnesota be pushy...
it was hard getting out of there...but we finally did ...
Ron and Mary arrived at 1;30 or so... we gave them a tour of the land...where the house will go... Mary and I walked the was so fun ...while on our walk Mary came across a plant she thought was marijuana ... Steve verified it wasn't...I was relieved...the neighbor who owns the greenhouse had been busted for growing it...I didn't want a run in with the law!
the sun had come out so we enjoyed sitting outside... Ron barbecued the Hamburgers for supper... we brought our grill up... thinking we'll get a gas one for home...we ate inside because a shower came through... when it was done a beautiful rainbow appeared.
we had given the "masterSuite" to Ron and Mary...since I am such an early riser I didn't want to sit in the bedroom until the got up and I didn't want to wake them by going into the kitchen with them sleeping in the living room...
when everyone got up ...Mary and I along with Murphy walked down the road to the Flag River saying our was so peaceful ... once at the River Murphy took a dip ...
we got back and Beth arrived on her 3 wheeler... mary fixed breakfast...
we were heading back to Minnesota...but told them they were welcome to stay...but they decided to head to Bayfield and maybe get a room again at a place they stayed at last yr...over looking the Madaline Island... being Memorial Weekend it was not a good bet they could find a vacancy there but they would try fyi they did stay there!
Mary and Ron left and we finished closing up the trailer... Steve had found chains at a garage sale the day before $4 for 2 lengths of 8ft and 9ft chains... it pays to be patient!
so we had to say Good bye to White Birch ....until the next time..