May 27th - Pedestal goes in

Steve put the pedestal, sledge hammer, shovel and post pounder in the car and drove everything back to the location where it would be put in..Steve started digging the hole and Beth started putting the pedestal together...I found spots for the Lilacs I brought from home ...perfect spot just west of where the house will be.... after that was finished went back to see if Beth and Steve needed my help...they didn't so I and Murphy decided to walk the Ravine... found a clearing and a good path down to the bottom... plus a good crossing to the other side ... walked up that bank and found a wooden wire spool that was on our land...hmmm I wonder if we can roll it home...I remember our neighbors "the wolf's" had one in the back of their yard and Dennis and I would balance on it, roll it all over their yard- pretending we were in the Circus... ...I wonder if I can still do that...wouldn't Steve be impressed-- much less my new neighbors as they see me rolling it down the road .... oh enough daydreaming...
We made our way back searching out fallen trees, some of them just balancing against other trees..didn't find any Morels....
Beth and her Dad had made real progress.. the hole was finished & they put the pedestal into it.. they started on the ground rods...Wes Bell loaned us his post pounder.. getting those rods down below ground level would have been impossible without it...the rods were 8ft long!! We took turns pounding it.. (great ab workout) got it down enough to start with the sledge hammer..I left that to the "professionals"... success it was all they way down ..."oh no" another one to put in.... so the process started again..
Beth dug the trench for the ground wire that connected and then connected to the pedestal...filled the holes...ALL DONE! Time for lunch!!