march 8th
I slept great and woke up at 5:45am.. said the is the day to say the Mater Dolorosa... "the 7 Sorrows of Mary"...
It is 18 outside..
We are meeting Beth and maybe Rocky at Pine Cone Ole's in Herbster for breakfast.
We left here at 8:10. Steve had gotten the car unstuck..but the snow was so deep and our car is so low that we had a heck of a time getting out... Steve ended up backing out.
we were a bit late and as we were driving down 13 we passed Beth.. We thought she was coming to see if we needed help getting out..we kept going figuring she would turn around.. Steve saw her flashing her lights so he pulled over..Pine Cone Ole's was closed for we turned around and went to Ruxy's.
It was crowded with all the "coffee Clutchers' from Pine cone Ole's.
It turned out Beth had a job to check out in Port Wing so it worked out better for her anyway.
I brought a hank of hand spun yarn I needed wound into a ball, so while we waited for our meal Beth helped me. Just like the old days!
We were going to park at the end of the driveway and walk in but Carl had been there and had us plowed out!
Steve made a trip to Iron River and I strapped on my snow shoes..I went over to the Yellow golden apple tree and did some trimming..the snow was about a foot and a half deep.. Murphy sure got a work out!
After Steve got back he said he wanted to get a picture of me snow shoeing..surprised he actually wants to attempt using the camera! I brightened the LCD screen so he could actually see me.
He didn't do too bad!
I went in for a break and started
the prayer shawl for Tom..he already received one from his church.. but decided to make one out of my hand spun wool.
the pattern is k3,p3..very simple..but such significance in the pattern.."mind, body, spirit", "Faith, Hope, Love" the Trinity..things to contemplate while knitting the shawl..praying for the person who will receive it...I picked up "The Mystery of knitting" at the Miles Christi retreat I was on last weekend and it is on prayer shawls.
After knitting awhile I decided to go out and tackle a few more trees.. it was such a beautiful day in the 40's. when I cam in Steve said I looked like the energizer bunny with those snow shoes on!
Around 5 we decided to go over to Patty and Carl' didn't look like anyone was home but we went up and knocked anyway...didn't see Rex either...
We turned around to leave and heard Rex bark inside.. we got to the car and Carl had come to the door and hollered at us.. he was wrapped in a towel...just got out of the shower.he told us to come in and we waited for him to get dressed.
I brought him some chili with the heart meat.. he loves beef heart ..he said he usually boils it and slices it for sandwiches.. I will have to try that... I may get a reputation that everyone has to ask "what is this" before eating at my house!
We had a great visit..Steve even shared with him his favorite snow blower.. the one we had on the goes on the back of the tractor.. does a super job ...but he told Carl that he does an exceptional job with the blade on his tractor.
Patty didn't get home so we thought we'd best not wait any longer.. just as we were driving out she turned in the driveway.. she had picked up 2 visulas that she was going to dog sit .. we backed up and visited a bit... they were very nice dogs.
She told us about a mom from town who was at Mayo in intensive care because of a botched surgery. The community was helping keep the home fires burning for her 3 teenage girls..14yrs to 12 yrs old.. such a wonderful community that looks out for each other..
We came home and I decided to see what wool I had left here to spin. I needed more yarn for Tom's shawl that now I have decided will be a lap robe instead..there was a nice brown roving, so I did some spinning.
Steve and Murphy went on their walk down the driveway..he came back and told me to step out and listen to the coyotes..something really neat hearing them.. I then heard the gun go off..twice.
my sunflower looked so pretty changing colors outside with the snow shoes next to it...
I didn't feel like cooking so just had another tuna sandwich..Steve was full from the chili he had earlier.
we went to bed early..
It is 18 outside..
We are meeting Beth and maybe Rocky at Pine Cone Ole's in Herbster for breakfast.
We left here at 8:10. Steve had gotten the car unstuck..but the snow was so deep and our car is so low that we had a heck of a time getting out... Steve ended up backing out.
we were a bit late and as we were driving down 13 we passed Beth.. We thought she was coming to see if we needed help getting out..we kept going figuring she would turn around.. Steve saw her flashing her lights so he pulled over..Pine Cone Ole's was closed for we turned around and went to Ruxy's.
It was crowded with all the "coffee Clutchers' from Pine cone Ole's.
It turned out Beth had a job to check out in Port Wing so it worked out better for her anyway.
I brought a hank of hand spun yarn I needed wound into a ball, so while we waited for our meal Beth helped me. Just like the old days!
We were going to park at the end of the driveway and walk in but Carl had been there and had us plowed out!
After Steve got back he said he wanted to get a picture of me snow shoeing..surprised he actually wants to attempt using the camera! I brightened the LCD screen so he could actually see me.
I went in for a break and started
the prayer shawl for Tom..he already received one from his church.. but decided to make one out of my hand spun wool.
the pattern is k3,p3..very simple..but such significance in the pattern.."mind, body, spirit", "Faith, Hope, Love" the Trinity..things to contemplate while knitting the shawl..praying for the person who will receive it...I picked up "The Mystery of knitting" at the Miles Christi retreat I was on last weekend and it is on prayer shawls.
After knitting awhile I decided to go out and tackle a few more trees.. it was such a beautiful day in the 40's. when I cam in Steve said I looked like the energizer bunny with those snow shoes on!
We turned around to leave and heard Rex bark inside.. we got to the car and Carl had come to the door and hollered at us.. he was wrapped in a towel...just got out of the shower.he told us to come in and we waited for him to get dressed.
I brought him some chili with the heart meat.. he loves beef heart ..he said he usually boils it and slices it for sandwiches.. I will have to try that... I may get a reputation that everyone has to ask "what is this" before eating at my house!
We had a great visit..Steve even shared with him his favorite snow blower.. the one we had on the goes on the back of the tractor.. does a super job ...but he told Carl that he does an exceptional job with the blade on his tractor.
Patty didn't get home so we thought we'd best not wait any longer.. just as we were driving out she turned in the driveway.. she had picked up 2 visulas that she was going to dog sit .. we backed up and visited a bit... they were very nice dogs.
She told us about a mom from town who was at Mayo in intensive care because of a botched surgery. The community was helping keep the home fires burning for her 3 teenage girls..14yrs to 12 yrs old.. such a wonderful community that looks out for each other..
We came home and I decided to see what wool I had left here to spin. I needed more yarn for Tom's shawl that now I have decided will be a lap robe instead..there was a nice brown roving, so I did some spinning.
Steve and Murphy went on their walk down the driveway..he came back and told me to step out and listen to the coyotes..something really neat hearing them.. I then heard the gun go off..twice.
my sunflower looked so pretty changing colors outside with the snow shoes next to it...
I didn't feel like cooking so just had another tuna sandwich..Steve was full from the chili he had earlier.
we went to bed early..