September 14th
It was a peaceful Wolves or coyotes calling.
I first woke up at 3:30...too early even for me to get the next time I awoke it was 6:15..
It was still dark out...and 48 degrees in the trailer..but I wasn't body was still heated from the warm bed I came from. I put on my shoes and poncho..wanted to keep that inner body heat going....I put the thermometer outside on the step to check the outside temp...I should have bought that pretty thermometer I saw at Mora for the inside. It was in a bronze sunburst frameso pretty and only $10.. then I could have had this one permanently outside...well if it's still there next month I'm getting it. I checked later and it was 34 outside.
Steve got up at 7:30 ..I tried to tune into the Bob and Tom show ...finally got it.
I went out and climbed the ladder to check for cell was there...funny, that in the morning is the only time it comes in??
Beth had left a message..she had gone home to clean up and then was too tired to come over..just what I figured ..she would see us tomorrow morning (today) and could spend the day with us because they wouldn't be going camping until Saturday.
Steve went to the store to get coffee ..he only drinks a cup a day so doesn't want me bothering with making a whole pot...
Beth got here about 9...she had to look at a job in Corny which she said wouldn't take that long and then she wanted to know if I would help her can some tomatoes..
We talked about the metal detector and Steve said that she and I could go take it out and he would watch...she suggested we come with to Corny..she would drop us off at the Coffee Shop while she checked out the job and then we could go to Corny Beach.. Steve didn't want to go ..but I thought it was a great plan.
She dropped me off and I got my tea and got my computer plugged in. There were 2 customers visiting and catching part of the conversation the gentleman was from Barrington, IL and they were discussing the beautiful old estates there saying they reminded them of the home in a movie by Stephen King, but they couldn't remember the name of the movie....having been to Barrington visiting my brother when he lived there and having seen the movie I piped up with "The Shining" that got me into their conversation... I mentioned my brother and his wife had taught in Barrington their 1st yr of marriage...the man was a retired Principal and was there at the same time but he taught in the Jr High...He had been coming to Corny for 50yrs.. first as a young boy.... and now he and his wife come. They do own land in Herbster but it has been land locked until this yr when they finally put a road in... they park their Airstream at the Marina ..they find it so convenient..
He soon left and I continued visiting with the woman until her hubby came in...I barely got back to the computer and Beth got back. She got a cup of coffee and joined me..I did a quick check of e-mails and FB and then we hit the beach.
We went to the new beach first...I got the detector out and 1st thing we found was a bottle cap.. we walked over to the swing sets nothing there so took the path to the beach... we just got past the weeds onto the beach and got a hit... I was getting the shovel out and Beth bent down and picked up a Silver Bracelet!!
we were so excited!!! It reminded Beth of the one we brought back for her from a trip to Duluth.
What a great start!!!
We continued on was just a beautiful day! We took turns with the detector ..even though it is light your arms do get tired...

I love the pink strainer I got at the WIC thrift perfect for sifting through sand!
We were both getting hungry and Beth offered to buy me lunch.. We packed up ... filled the water jug at the Artesian well ..and went to the VI for lunch. checking our "bottie" we had couple pennies, a dime, quarter, a few more bottle caps and the Bracelet!
The VI was busy...which we were happy for Wade and Cheryl... Fall comes and the tourists leave...but this weekend is the Art Crawl and that brought the people in. We had a great meal. ...and then we headed to the old Beach to search...
We found a couple more pennies a lot of bottle caps... and this pop can! We were both getting tired of the old beach so decided to go to the Beach in Herbster..I looked at my watch and it was 3 already..we couldn't believe it!
We were walking back to the car and saw a man and a woman sitting on a bench looking out at the Lake ..he had a red plaid blanket around him head to foot....Beth thought it odd because it was so warm out... I told her he must be sick and I said a quick prayer for him... it reminded me of a scene from the movie Beaches.
We decided to skip the Herbster beach and get to canning her tomatoes..stopping first at our place to see if Steve would like to come along...we showed him our finds...his reaction was that the bracelet was just a tease to keep us going...well, maybe, but that was okay with us!!
He said he would come later...
I first woke up at 3:30...too early even for me to get the next time I awoke it was 6:15..
It was still dark out...and 48 degrees in the trailer..but I wasn't body was still heated from the warm bed I came from. I put on my shoes and poncho..wanted to keep that inner body heat going....I put the thermometer outside on the step to check the outside temp...I should have bought that pretty thermometer I saw at Mora for the inside. It was in a bronze sunburst frameso pretty and only $10.. then I could have had this one permanently outside...well if it's still there next month I'm getting it. I checked later and it was 34 outside.
Steve got up at 7:30 ..I tried to tune into the Bob and Tom show ...finally got it.
I went out and climbed the ladder to check for cell was there...funny, that in the morning is the only time it comes in??
Beth had left a message..she had gone home to clean up and then was too tired to come over..just what I figured ..she would see us tomorrow morning (today) and could spend the day with us because they wouldn't be going camping until Saturday.
Steve went to the store to get coffee ..he only drinks a cup a day so doesn't want me bothering with making a whole pot...
Beth got here about 9...she had to look at a job in Corny which she said wouldn't take that long and then she wanted to know if I would help her can some tomatoes..
We talked about the metal detector and Steve said that she and I could go take it out and he would watch...she suggested we come with to Corny..she would drop us off at the Coffee Shop while she checked out the job and then we could go to Corny Beach.. Steve didn't want to go ..but I thought it was a great plan.
She dropped me off and I got my tea and got my computer plugged in. There were 2 customers visiting and catching part of the conversation the gentleman was from Barrington, IL and they were discussing the beautiful old estates there saying they reminded them of the home in a movie by Stephen King, but they couldn't remember the name of the movie....having been to Barrington visiting my brother when he lived there and having seen the movie I piped up with "The Shining" that got me into their conversation... I mentioned my brother and his wife had taught in Barrington their 1st yr of marriage...the man was a retired Principal and was there at the same time but he taught in the Jr High...He had been coming to Corny for 50yrs.. first as a young boy.... and now he and his wife come. They do own land in Herbster but it has been land locked until this yr when they finally put a road in... they park their Airstream at the Marina ..they find it so convenient..
He soon left and I continued visiting with the woman until her hubby came in...I barely got back to the computer and Beth got back. She got a cup of coffee and joined me..I did a quick check of e-mails and FB and then we hit the beach.
We went to the new beach first...I got the detector out and 1st thing we found was a bottle cap.. we walked over to the swing sets nothing there so took the path to the beach... we just got past the weeds onto the beach and got a hit... I was getting the shovel out and Beth bent down and picked up a Silver Bracelet!!
we were so excited!!! It reminded Beth of the one we brought back for her from a trip to Duluth.
What a great start!!!
We continued on was just a beautiful day! We took turns with the detector ..even though it is light your arms do get tired...
I love the pink strainer I got at the WIC thrift perfect for sifting through sand!
We were both getting hungry and Beth offered to buy me lunch.. We packed up ... filled the water jug at the Artesian well ..and went to the VI for lunch. checking our "bottie" we had couple pennies, a dime, quarter, a few more bottle caps and the Bracelet!
The VI was busy...which we were happy for Wade and Cheryl... Fall comes and the tourists leave...but this weekend is the Art Crawl and that brought the people in. We had a great meal. ...and then we headed to the old Beach to search...
We found a couple more pennies a lot of bottle caps... and this pop can! We were both getting tired of the old beach so decided to go to the Beach in Herbster..I looked at my watch and it was 3 already..we couldn't believe it!
We were walking back to the car and saw a man and a woman sitting on a bench looking out at the Lake ..he had a red plaid blanket around him head to foot....Beth thought it odd because it was so warm out... I told her he must be sick and I said a quick prayer for him... it reminded me of a scene from the movie Beaches.
We decided to skip the Herbster beach and get to canning her tomatoes..stopping first at our place to see if Steve would like to come along...we showed him our finds...his reaction was that the bracelet was just a tease to keep us going...well, maybe, but that was okay with us!!
He said he would come later...